Minggu, 25 April 2010

Membuat Label Flashdisk Sesuai Nama Kita : Berharap Dikembalikan Bila Hilang

Maksud dari judul ini adalah membuat label drive flashdisk sesuai nama yang kita inginkan walaupun dengan karakter atau huruf yang terlarang oleh windows label (seperti alamat email kita atau nomor HP kita). Caranya sesiakan icon yang enak dilihat (*.ico), dan dengan Notepad buat file Autorun.inf (ingat dengan extensi *.inf) lalu ketikkan sesuai gambar di atas. Tempatkan Autorun.inf dan *.co nya dalam root flashdisk atau hardisk anda. Itu saja...semoga ada yang mau mengembalikan Flashdisk kita, bila hilang, karena saya masih yakin, di Indonesia masih ada bahkan banyak orang yang baiknya...

Linux USB Creator : Cara Lain Membuat Linux USB Flashdisk Bootable


LiLi USB Creator is a free software for Windows that allows you to create a bootable Live USB key with a Linux on it.

This software also offers an exclusive option of automatic virtualization to directly run Linux in Windows without any configuration nor installation.

Create bootable Live USB of Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, Damn Small Linux, Puppy Linux and many others !
Enable persistency of your data
Launch Linux directly in Windows with a special Portable VirtualBox
Hide created files on the key

Anybody can use LiLi USB Creator. It's really easy to use and you don't have to be a computer geek !

LinuxLive USB Creator is currently supporting these Linuxes :

Ubuntu / Kubuntu / Xubuntu 9.10 & 9.04 Desktop CD
Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10
Ubuntu Moblin Remix 9.10new
Ubuntu 10.04 Alpha 2
BackTrack 4 Final
JoliCloud Pre-Beta *
SimplyMEPIS 8.0.15new *
antiX M8.2new *
Xange & OpenXange 2010new
CentOS 5.4 *
Debian Live 5.0.2 Gnome/KDE/LXDE/xFce *
Damn Small linux 4.4.10 *
Puppy Linux 4.3.1 *
Toutou Linux 4.3.1 *
Gparted Live 0.5.1-1updated *
Clonezilla Live 1.2.3-27 *
Fedora 11 & 12 (KDE / Gnome) Live CD
Kuki 2.8
Mint 7 & 8 Main Edition
Crunchbang 9.04 Standard & Lite Editions
Super OS 9.04
Tiny Core 2.8.1updated
Slitaz 2.0 *
Parted Magic 4.6 *
PCLinuxOS *
gNewSense *
Grml 2009.10 *
Gentoo Live DVD 10.1 *
Sabayon Linux 5.1 (Gnome/KDE) *
xPud 0.9.2 *
PLoP Linux 4.0.4 (X-Server)new
Element 1.0new *
Android x86 1.6new *
Trisquel 3.0.1new *
SystemRescueCD 1.4.0updated *
Ophcrack XP & Vista 2.3.1 *
.IMG file **

Rabu, 21 April 2010

Visionics EDWinXP v1.71 : Schematics Editor, PCB Layout Editor, Fabrication manager, Library manager and many more

Download 104 mb
"EDWinXP is a Total Integrated EDA/ECAD Software package of seamlessly integrated, task oriented modules covering all stages of the electronic circuit design process - from capturing the idea of a circuit in the form of schematic diagram to generate a full set of documentation for manufacturing and assembling of PCBs". It is a complete suite that has Schematics Editor, PCB Layout Editor, Fabrication manager, Library manager and many more.

EDWinXP - Features
Schematic Editor :- Schematic Editor is the front end for any PCB design application. The function of this editor is to create a schematic diagram of the circuit. The created circuit is in the form of a logical diagram where components are placed using the Library Browser or Library Explorer. Analysis is an important part of any design process. EDWinXP provides two types of simulators one is Mixed Mode Simulator and other is EDSpice Simulator.

Layout Editor :- In EDWinXP,the design can be captured either in Schematic Editor or directly in Layout Editor. In the former case, the design is front annotated to the Layout Editor and in the latter case it is back annotated to Schematic Editor. EDWinXP also allows beginning layout without a pre-existing schematic. There are two board level Simulators in EDWinXP, Thermal Analyzer and Electromagnetic Analyzer. The Signal Integrity Analyzer examines the probable distortion of high-speed signals as they pass through traces on the PCB. The Field Analyzer is a tool for studying the electromagnetic fields that are created when power and/or signal traces on the board are energized. The concept of 3-Dimension has been incorporated into Layout Editor to get a 3D view of the designed board.

Fabrication Manager:- The major fabrication tasks involved in PCB design are - Optional creation of Copper Planes and Copper Pour Areas, Adding dimensions and notes, Printing layout documentation drawings, Extracting NC-drill data to disk files or paper tape, Editing, Dimensioning and printing of drill templates, Editing and printing of layer artworks, Generation of artwork data files in Gerber ASCII format, Preview of artworks in Gerber ASCII files, Generation of disk files containing generic data for Pick & place machines, Generation of disk files containing bill of materials.

Library Manager :- Library Browser is provided to browse library elements (Parts/ Symbols/ Packages/ Padstack) from the available libraries. These items in the searched list may be placed on the schematic/ layout by either of the two ways, Drag and Drop components or right click and send to Schematic or Layout. Library Explorer provides user with the list of libraries available at the system specified path. To add new components or to edit components supplied with EDWinXP Library Editor can be used.The concept of 3-Dimension which has been incorporated into Library Editor allows editing packages and cabinets. Tools have been provided to assist the user view the board and package from various directions and from different angles.

General Features :-

Conversion Manager is used for Library Conversion, Database Conversion and EED III Conversion

Waveform Viewer may be used to generate results in the form of diagram for Mixed Mode Simulator, EDSpice Simulator and Signal Integrity Simulation.
Subcircuit Adapter allows existing SPICE subcircuits to be converted into an EDSpice format

Model Parameter Editor eases the management and creation of model libraries.

List Generator is a utility that allows generating a list containing requisite details of EDWinXP component library and Project.

Netlist Import & Export facilitates to transfer information of all the nets or connections involved in the circuit. The information can be transferred to/from third party softwares supporting formats like JEDEC, CUPL, XILINX, ALTERA, etc.

Spice Netlist Import allows to import both circuit (*.cir) and subcircuit (*.sbc) files to the system. The schematic diagram is generated by converting the imported file data to the project. All the instance parameters and model parameters are set during conversion. The circuit and parameters are set for various analyses as specified in the circuit file.

Schematic DXF Export is an application that allows to export the EDWinXP schematic graphics to AutoCAD DXF format.

Layout DXF Export is an application that allows to export the EDWinXP layout graphics to AutoCAD DXF format.

VHDL Editor has been included to describe the behavior of digital systems with the help of VHDL.

Simulation Model Generators allow converting VHDL source files to models for simulation purposes.

Arizona Autorouter :- Arizona autorouter is an integrated module of EDWinXP. It uses its own temporary project and simplified graphics. The Arizona autorouter allows to route the traces of a PCB Layout automatically. The netlists is given as the input to the autorouter. When this router option is selected, all nonorthogonal traces will be removed and accepts only orthogonal traces as pre-routed traces. SPECCTRA Translator supports different options like converting EDWinXP project (database) to SPECCTRA compatible format, importing results from SPECCTRA Autorouter and Autoplacer etc. MaxRoute Translator allows to convert EDWinXP layout project (database) to a form that is acceptable to MaxRoute Autorouter and MaxRoute Autoplacer.

EDWinXP 1.71 Released
The new Version, EDWinXP 1.71 released. This is our “midterm” release and a bonus to all EDWinXP users, who upgraded or purchased version 1.70. Users of version 1.70 will get this upgrade by simply executing Live Update

iPortable Snow x86 : Optimized Mac OSX 10.6.2 Snowleopard Bootable USB Flashdisk

Download iPortable Snow OSx86 10.6.2 Bootable USB image [Intel SSE2/SSE3]

Sekarang kita tidak usah repot-repot menginstall Mac OSX x86 pada Notebook atau Netbook, cukup manfaatkan flashdisk yang ada, sehingga jika akhirnya Mac ternyata tak berjalan mulus alias tidak kompetibel, kita tidak terlalu payah dan lelah. Cukup pakai saja bootable USB Flashdisk untuk mencoba kestabilan Mac di PC intel manapun dengan cepat dan mudah.

iPortable Snow x86 optimized Mac OSX 10.6.2 Snowleopard CopyCatX MBR image for generic Intel PCʼs (32/64bit) and (SSE2/SSE3) or higher..

Based on previous and never released iPortable 10.5.8 and Hazard’s patched Snowleopard 10.6.1-10.6.2 and Snowleopard Server 10.6.2 distro, Empire EFI and MyHack releases...

Re-ripped, tweaked and optimized by ProtocolX to make it booting on a lot of Intel chipset PC'[s!

Read carefully !!!

AMD not yet supported.. Intel only [SSE2/SSE3] or higher.. English and Dutch only !!

All other system languages and left over PPC architectures are removed !!

You can always re-install more languages very easy..


This is a full Mac OSX Snowleopard 10.6.2 installation! No account is created, registration screen will be loaded at first boot. (Only removed big file is Alex’s voice)


To prevent booting problems on serveral systems. They are zipped and moved to: Hackintosh tools/Snow Drivers/Video Drivers/Removed Video Kexts... Use Kexthelper B7 to re-install your videokexts before trying enabling graphics.


The default bootmode of this iPortable Snow is 32bits. So it can run even on an old Intel SSE2 processor. (SSE3 is recommended..) But no 64bit code is removed offcourse... You always can still use this Snowleopard in full 64bits mode.

To enable 64bit in Snowleopard

Type in bootloader: arch=x86_64 (Boot in 32/64bits mode)

or -force64 (Force booting in 64bit)

Included Applications

- EZ 7z
- KCNScrew
- LiquidCD
- Property List Editor
- Smultron
- Stuffit Expander
- Transmission
- UnRARx
- BetterZip

Included Utlities

- Appcleaner
- Carbon Copy Cloner
- CopyCatX
- Diskwarrior 4.2
- Clonetools H1

OSx86 Hackintosh Tools

32-64-bit Kernel Startup Mode Selector
AMD Patcher (leo)
About This Mac Modifier
AnyToISO 2.5.1 -
Keygen AnyToISO
Custom DVD SlimbuildGUI-1
DSDT Patcher GUI
Disk Order
EFI partition Mounter
EFIStudio 1.1
EvOToolsX (snow)
Gfx Utilities
Hide Folders
INSTAHackintosh (beta)
Kext Helper b7
Kext Utility
MSR Tools
Man Viewer
Marvin's AMD Utility v.25
NVCAP Maker 1.4
NetbookBootMaker 0.8.3
NetbookInstaller 0.8.3 RC4
Network Diagnostics
OSx86 Update
Pro Pref Setter
Preferential Treatment
Property List Editor 2.2
Quartz Debug
Repair & Set Permissions scripts
RepairKexts Permission
SMART Utility
SwitchResX Control
USB Prober
Universal Checker
Universal OSx86 Installer

Included Kernels:


Powered by Chameleon 2.0 RC4 r684 bootloader

By ProtocolX

Other resolution:

Graphics Mode

Download (Hotfile)

Mirror:Download (Uploading)

Mirror: Download (Uploaded)

Ramalan Dunia Dari 2010 Sampai 5079 : Percaya Tidak Percaya, Jangan Percaya !

Ramalan, memang selalu menarik untuk diikuti. Mungkin termasuk ramalan yang satu ini "Percayakah anda, Ramalan Dunia dari 2010 sampai 5079?", Percaya Tidak Percaya, Jangan Percaya ! karena seperti biasa yang namanya ramalan pasti tak selalu benar dan tak selalu salah juga. Seperti contoh ramalan Mama Lauren di awal tahun 2008 tentang akan adanya beberapa kecelakaan pesawat pada tahun 2008 tersebut yang akhirnya memang benar terjadi. Dan ada juga ramalan (entah siapa lupa) kejadian akan Kiamat pada tanggal 9 bulan 9 tahun 1999, yang akhirnya hanya virus komputer hoax belaka.

Nabiah Baba Vanga akan memprediksi apa yang akan terjadi dalam 3000 tahun depan di dunia. Siapakah Vanga?

Vanga (Vangelia) Pandeva lahir pada 31 Januari 1911 dan menghabiskan hidupnya tinggal di Bulgaria sampai dia meninggal pada 11 Agustus 1996. Ia kehilangan penglihatannya ketika ia berusia 12 tahun ketika ia tersapu oleh tornado. Dia ditemukan hidup dengan pasir di matanya, sehingga mengalami kebutaan. Vanga mulai membuat prediksi ketika ia berusia 16 tahun. Dia menjadi sangat terkenal karena karunia ini agak cepat. Banyak negarawan termasuk Hitler mengunjunginya dan dilaporkan bahwa Hitler meninggalkan rumahnya tampak sedih.

Prediksi Vanga paling mengejutkan adalah:

“Pada pergantian abad, pada bulan Agustus 1999 atau 2000, Kursk akan ditutupi dengan air, dan seluruh dunia akan menangis di atasnya.” (1980)
- Prediksi tidak masuk akal saat itu. Sayangnya, dua puluh tahun kemudian, hal itu banyak yang percaya, ketika kapal selam nuklir Rusia tenggelam dalam kecelakaan pada bulan Agustus 2000. Kapal selam itu bernama Kursk. Kursk – kota (setelah mana kapal selam itu bernama), bisa tidak berarti telah tertutup dengan air (mungkin itu sebabnya dia tampak begitu realistis prediksi pada awalnya).

“Mengerikan,mengerikan ! Saudara-saudara Amerika akan jatuh setelah diserang oleh burung-burung baja. Serigala akan melolong dalam semak, dan banyak orang tak berdosa menjadi korban. “(1989)
- Terjadi seperti yang diperkirakan. World Trade Center Towers di New York runtuh setelah serangan teroris pada 11 September 2001. WTC Towers itu dijuluki “Kembar” atau “Brothers.” Para teroris mengantar penumpang pesawat – “burung besi” – ke dalam menara. “Semak” jelas berkaitan dengan nama keluarga presiden AS saat itu.

Itu adalah 2 ramalan Vanga yang benar 100%. Anda mau percaya ataupun tidak atau mungkin menjadi paranoid?! Faktanya adalah tidak ada yang tahu apakah semua yang diramalkan dibawah ini akan menjadi kenyataan atau tidak, kita lihat saja perkembangan dan kenyataanya.

2010 – Awal Perang Dunia ke 3. Perang akan dimulai pada bulan November 2010 dan akan berakhir pada bulan Oktober 2014. menggunakan senjata nuklir dan kimia.

2011 – Karena hujan radioaktif di belahan bumi utara – tidak ada hewan atau tumbuh-tumbuhan akan tertinggal.

2014 – Sebagian besar orang di dunia ini akan memiliki kulit kanker kulit dan penyakit yang terkait. (sebagai akibat dari perang kimia)

2016 – Eropa hampir gak ada yang menempati

2018 – Cina menjadi kekuatan dunia baru.

2023 – orbit Bumi akan berubah sedikit

2028 – Pengembangan sumber energi baru. (Mungkin controller reaksi termonuklir) Kelaparan perlahan berhenti menjadi masalah. Dapat Mengemudikan pesawat luar angkasa samapi ke Venus.

2033 – es di kutub utara dan selatan mencair.

2043 – Dunia ekonomi makmur. Muslim menjalankan Eropa.

2046 – Setiap organ dapat diproduksi secara massal. Pertukaran organ tubuh menjadi metode pengobatan favorit.

2076 – Tidak ada masyarakat kelas (komunisme)

2088 – penyakit baru mewabah. – Orang-orang mulai tua dalam hitungan detik.

2097 – Penyakit tua itu mulai sembuh.

2100 – Manusia dibuat Matahari menerangi sisi gelap dari planet bumi.

2111 – Orang-orang menjadi robot.

2123 – Perang di antara negara-negara kecil.

2125 – Kelaparan di seantero bumi (Orang-orang akan teringat Vanga lagi)

2130 – Koloni di bawah air (saran dari orang asing)

2154 – Hewan menjadi setengah manusia.

2167 – agama baru muncul.

2170 – kekeringan di seantero bumi.

2183 – Koloni di Mars menjadi negara nuklir dan meminta kemerdekaan dari Bumi.

2187 – Berhasil menghentikan 2 letusan gunung berapi.

2195 – Koloni Laut sepenuhnya dikembangkan, energi dan makanan berlimpah

2196 – Kendali campuran antara Asia dan Eropa.

2201 – proses termonuklir lambat. Suhu turun.

2221 – Dalam pencarian kehidupan di luar Bumi, manusia berhubungan dengan semua hal yang mengerikan.

2256 – Spaceship freighting membawa penyakit baru ke dalam bumi.

2262 – Orbit planet mulai berubah secara bertahap.

2271 – Hukum-hukum fisika berubah

2273 – Mencampurnya Ras kuning, putih dan hitam. Ras baru muncul.

2279 – Tidak ada Energi (mungkin dari vakum atau lubang hitam).

2288 – Perjalanan kembali ke masa lalu (Sisa Perjalanan diciptakan?). Kontak baru dengan orang asing.

2291 – Matahari mendingin. Upaya-upaya sedang dilakukan untuk menyalakannya lagi.

2296 – Perubahan gaya gravitasi.

2299 – Di Perancis, ada pemberontakan terhadap Islam.

2302 – Misteri tentang alam semesta yang terungkap.

2304 – Misteri Bulan terungkap.

2341 – Sesuatu yang mengerikan mendekati Bumi dari ruang angkasa.

2354 – Kekeringan.

2371 – Kelaparan dimana mana.

2378 – Ras baru tumbuh dengan cepat.

2480 – Dua pria membuat matahari akan bertabrakan. Bumi berada dalam kegelapan.

3.005 – Perang di Mars. Lintasan planet perubahan.

3010 – Komet menabrak Bulan. Sekitar Bumi – cincin / zona dari batu dan debu.

3.797 – Pada saat itu di Bumi membunuh semua kehidupan, tetapi manusia akan dapat meletakkan dasar bagi kehidupan baru di sistem bintang lain.

3.803 – Sebuah planet baru dihuni oleh sedikit orang, Iklim planet baru mempengaruhi organisme orang – mereka bermutasi.

3.805 – Perang antara manusia memperebutkan sumber daya.

3.815 – Perang sudah usai

3.854 – Perkembangan peradaban hampir berhenti.

4.302 – kota-kota baru tumbuh di dunia. pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi baru.

4.302 – Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan. Para ilmuwan menemukan dalam keseluruhan dampak dari semua penyakit dalam perilaku organisme.

4.304 – Ditemukan cara untuk mengobati semua penyakit.

4.308 – Karena mutasi pada akhirnya orang mulai menggunakan otak mereka lebih dari 34%. Benar-benar kehilangan pengertian tentang kejahatan dan kebencian.

4.509 – Memahami Allah.

4.599 – Orang orang mencapai keabadian.

4.674 – Perkembangan peradaban telah mencapai puncaknya. Jumlah orang yang hidup di planet yang berbeda adalah 340 miliar. Asimilasi dimulai dengan alien.

5.076 – Sebuah batas alam semesta. Dengan itu, tak ada yang tahu.

5.078 – Keputusan untuk meninggalkan batas-batas alam seesta. Sementara sekitar 40 persen dari populasi yang menentangnya.

5.079 – End of the World.

Sekali lagi, Percaya Tidak Percaya, Jangan Percaya !

(Sumber: tebegayatampan.blogspot.com)

Yusuf Mansur : Hubungan Erat Duniawi Antara Shadaqah, Kaya dan Kehendak Alloh

Ustad Yusuf Mansyur dikenal sebagai pimpinan Pondok Pesantren Daarul Quran Bulak Santri, Cipondoh, Tangerang dan pimpinan pengajian Wisata Hati. Ustad kelahiran Jakarta, 19 Desember 1976 ini melalui perjalanan berliku sampai menjadi ustad terkenal seperti sekarang.

Ustad Yusuf lahir dari keluarga Betawi yang berkecukupan pasangan Abdurrahman Mimbar dan Humrif'ah dan sangat dimanja orang tuanya. Lulusan terbaik Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Grogol, Jakarta Barat, tahun 1992 ini pernah kuliah di jurusan Informatika namun berhenti tengah jalan karena lebih suka balapan motor.

Pada tahun 1996, dia terjun di bisnis Informatika. Sayang bisnisnya malah menyebabkan ia terlilit utang yang jumlahnya miliaran. Gara-gara utang itu pula, Ustad Yusuf merasakan dinginnya hotel prodeo selama 2 bulan. Setelah bebas, Ustad Yusuf kembali mencoba berbisnis tapi kembali gagal dan terlilit utang lagi. Cara hidup yang keliru membawa Ustad Yusuf kembali masuk bui pada 1998.

Saat di penjara itulah, Ustad Yusuf menemukan hikmah tentang shodaqoh. Selepas dari penjara, Ustad Yusuf berjualan es di terminal Kali Deres. Berkat keikhlasan sedekah pula, akhirnya bisnis Ustad Yusuf berkembang. Tak lagi berjualan dengan termos, tapi memakai gerobak, Ia juga mulai punya anak buah.

Hidup Ustad Yusuf mulai berubah saat ia berkenalan dengan polisi yang memperkenalkannya dengan LSM. Selama kerja di LSM itulah, Ustad Yusuf membuat buku Wisata Hati Mencari Tuhan Yang Hilang. Buku yang terinspirasi oleh pengalamannya di penjara saat rindu dengan orang tua. Tak dinyana, buku itu mendapat sambutan yang luar biasa.

Ustad Yusuf sering diundang untuk bedah buku tersebut. Dari sini, undangan untuk berceramah mulai menghampirinya. Di banyak ceramahnya, ia selalu menekankan makna di balik sedekah dengan memberi contoh-contoh kisah dalam kehidupan nyata.

Karier Ustad Yusuf makin mengkilap setelah bertemu dengan Yusuf Ibrahim, Produser dari label PT Virgo Ramayana Record dengan meluncurkan kaset Tausiah Kun Faya Kun, The Power of Giving dan Keluarga.

Konsep sedekah pula yang membawanya masuk dunia seni peran. Melalui acara Maha Kasih yang digarap Wisata Hati bersama SinemArt, ia menyerukan keutamaan sedekah melalui tayangan yang didasarkan pada kisah nyata.

Ustad Yusuf juga menggarap sebuah film berjudul KUN FA YAKUUN yang dibintanginya bersama Zaskia Adya Mecca, Agus Kuncoro, dan Desy Ratnasari. Film ini merupakan proyek pamungkas dari kegiatan roadshow (ceramah keliling) berjudul sama selama Januari-April 2008.

Melalui Wisata Hati, ia menyediakan layanan SMS Kun Fayakuun untuk menemukan jawaban atas permasalahan yang ada. Ia juga menggagas Program Pembibitan Penghafal Al Quran (PPPA), sebuah program unggulan dan menjadi laboratorium sedekah bagi seluruh keluarga besar Wisata Hati. Donasi dari PPPA digunakan untuk mencetak penghafal Alquran melalui pendidikan gratis bagi dhuafa Pondok Pesantren Daarul Quran Wisata Hati.

Meski tak sempat menuntaskan kuliah, Ustad Yusuf bersama dua temannya mendirikan perguruan tinggi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer Cipta Karya Informatika.

Ustad Yusuf menikah dengan Siti Maemunah dan telah dikaruniai tiga orang anak.

Pertengahan November 2009, Ustad Yusuf tertimpa musibah. Rumahnya dirampok, dan ia kehilangan uang sekitar Rp100 juta beserta barang berharga. Namun, beliau menolak memperpanjang kasusnya di polisi.

Di Sini kami telah upload File amr berisi ceramah dan motivasi (46 MB)dari si Ustadz yang bisa anda dengarkan di hp ber mp3 anda selama berjam-jam. Untuk PC pakai amrplayer.

Senin, 19 April 2010

Tung Desem Waringin Vs Andrie Wongso : Masihkah Kita Membutuhkan Motivator ?

Tung Desem Waringin adalah Pelatih Sukses No. 1 di Indonesia (Majalah Marketing) dan masuk dalam salah satu tokoh The Most Powerful People & Ideas in Business 2005 (Majalah SWA). Sebagai pembicara, Tung Desem Waringin telah berbicara lebih dari 100,000 orang di Dunia
Beliau Pernah berkarir di BCA dengan prestasi sebagai berikut:
1.Hasil Audit terbaik di Indonesia
2.Pertumbuhan Kartu ATM terbesar di Indonesia
3.Pertumbuhan Kartu Kredit terbesar di Indonesia
4.Pemulihan kembali pertama BCA pada saat di Rush tahun 1998
5.Tingkat mati mesin ATM terendah di Indonesia

Kini setiap Rabu 17.00 sore, beliau menjadi pengasuh acara "SmartWealth" yang disiarkan radio SMART FM serentak di 7 kota Indonesia. Dan di waktu senggangnya beliau menjadi kolumnis rubrik "Road To Be Wealthy" di Majalah Warta Bisnis.
Beliau Pernah mengisi acara "Bincang Pagi" di Metro TV dengan topik "Bagaimana merevolusi hidup". Mengisi Clip Tips Robert T. Kiyosaki di Metro TV.
Sebagai Konsultan perusahaan beliau berhasil meningkatkan pendapatan dari sebuah Media Iklan Gratis di Jakarta sebesar 16 kali lipat dalam waktu 1 bulan. Meningkatkan 100% penjualan di "MANET" Toko Busana Muslim di Tanah Abang. Meningkatkan 100% Aset Bank Lestari di Jl. Teuku Umar 121 Denpasar Bali & 2.000% kredit sepeda motornya di Bali. Serta berhasil meningkatkan penjualan rata2 sebesar 40% dari total 9.800 Sales dari Columbia Elektronik dan Furnitur, hanya dalam sebulan setelah training dilakukan. Sales shampoo Selsun naik 200%. Membuat Perusahaan Properti Coldwell Banker Sigit Tangerang Menjadi Top Office selama 3 Bulan berturut - turut, penjualan di Millenium Handphone & Accessories naik 500%. Meningkatkan penjualan Gapura Prima Group (The Bellezza, Bellagio) 400% hanya dalam waktu 1 bulan setelah training dilakukan.Terpilih menjadi "10 Eksekutif 2003" versi Lions Club Surabaya Patria dan Jawa Pos Group.

Terpilih oleh Museum Rekor Indonesia ( MURI) sebagai Penulis Buku Inspirasional Pertama Financial Revolution di Indonesia yang penjualannya melebihi 10.511 exemplar pada hari pertama peredarannya.
Pembicara Terbaik di Indonesia, Motivator Terheboh & Pelatih Sukses No.1 di Indonesia Versi Majalah Marketing.

Terpilih Sebagai The Most Powerful People In Business 2005 Versi Majalah SWA
Sebagai Konsultan pribadi, Beliau membantu merubah orang menjadi percaya diri, menyembuhkan orang trauma, phobia, bulimia, menghentikan kebiasaan merokok, membantu orang gemuk menjadi langsing, membuat breakthrough sukses mulai dari anak petani sampai anak mantan Presiden Indonesia, dari lulusan SD sampai lulusan Doktor, juga Top Eksekutif dan Selebritis. Untuk hal ini Beliau ditempatkan di peringkat tertinggi di Majalah Pilar Bisnis edisi November 2002 sebagai pelatih yang mampu merubah CEO atau Top Eksekutif menjadi Lebih Hebat lagi.

Anda bisa mendownload beberapa motivasinya yang sangat terkenal dalam format amr. Pakai Amrplayer untuk membacanya di PC, atau cukup copy ke handphone anda yang mendukung mp3, dan dengarkan tutur katanya yang berjamjam, lalu laksanakan atau cukup jadikan perbandingan.

Andrie Wongso

Lebih dari 20 tahun, Andrie Wongso berkiprah sebagai pengusaha, sekaligus menjadi seorang motivator handal. Kemauannya untuk berbagi semangat, pengalaman, dan wisdom dengan gaya bahasa yang sederhana namun powerfull kepada orang banyak, membuat publik dan media massa mengukuhkannya sebagai The Best Motivator atau Motivator No.1 Indonesia.

Andrie Wongso SDDT, TBS
Tapi, siapa yang menduga jika anak kedua dari tiga bersaudara ini, terlahir dari sebuah keluarga miskin di kota Malang, tepatnya pada bulan Desember 1954. Pada usia 11 tahun (kelas 6 SD), Andrie terpaksa harus berhenti bersekolah karena sekolah mandarin tempatnya belajar ditutup. Itulah yang membuatnya punya gelar SDTT alias Sekolah Dasar Tidak Tamat. Sejak saat itu, Andrie melalui masa kecil hingga remajanya dengan membantu orangtua membuat dan menjual kue berkeliling ke toko-toko dan pasar.

Ada sebuah tanda tanya besar yang menggelayut di dadanya, dengan apa nasib ini dapat diubah? Maka, lewat perenungan panjang, Andrie yang kala itu berusia 22 tahun memutuskan untuk mengadu nasib ke Jakarta. Andrie berangkat dengan satu tekad yakni siap menghadapi apapun di depan dengan berani dan penuh kejujuran. Di Jakarta, Andrie memulai kehidupan barunya dengan bekerja sebagai salesman produk sabun hingga menjadi pelayan toko.

Kesukaannya bermain kungfu dari kecil dan kemampuannya bergaul dengan semua kalangan membawanya mendirikan perguruan kungfu "Hap Kun Do", yakni sebuah aliran bela diri yang mengutamakan kekuatan, kecepatan, dan fleksibilitas. Dari belajar kungfu inilah, Andrie dapat membentuk sikap mental positif yaitu disiplin, tanggung jawab, pantang menyerah, ulet, dan bersikap ksatria. Dari sini pula bakat mengajar dan memotivasi Andrie terasah .

- Hap Kun Do -
Saat film-film laga dari Taiwan merajai layar lebar perfilman Indonesia , Andrie yang merasa berwajah oke dan memiliki badan atletis, menyimpan hasrat menjadi seorang bintang film laga. Lewat latihan keras, lebih keras, dan lebih keras lagi, serta setelah melalui proses gagal dan bangkit, mimpi Andrie menjadi kenyataan. Surat lamarannya sebagai bintang film diterima oleh perusahaan Eterna Film Hongkong, dengan kontrak kerja selama tiga tahun .

Tahun 1980, untuk pertama kalinya Andrie ke luar negeri, pertama kali naik pesawat, dan untuk pertama kali pula menghadapi kamera. Hidup Andrie saat itu serasa berada di awang-awang. Tetapi setelah melewati tiga tahun dan setelah merasakan suka duka bermain film di Taiwan, Andrie menyadari bahwa dunia film bukanlah dunianya

- Menjadi Bintang Film -
Andrie memutuskan untuk tidak memperpanjang kontraknya dan memilih pulang ke Indonesia . Banyak orang menyatakan Andrie telah gagal karena tidak ada satu film pun yang menjadikannya sebagai bintang utama. Tetapi, Andrie berpikir justru jalan suksesnya telah makin terbuka. Sebab, ia makin matang mentalnya karena telah berhasil mengubah impian menjadi kenyataan. Keyakinan itu menjadi bekal pemikiran bahwa suatu hari nanti, bila bertemu dengan bisnis yang cocok dengan jiwa dan kemampuannya, dengan semangat juang yang sama, pasti kesuksesan bisa diraih!

Anda juga bisa merasakan bagaimana motivasi yang berasal dari cina itu begitu menyentuh, meski kebanyakan adalah cerita dan dongeng alias legenda dari daratan tirai bambu itu dengan mendownload file motivasi amr ini. Pakai amr player untuk menjalankannya di pc. Ada 40 lebih kali 5 menitan motivasi dalam beberapa penggalan kalimat. Bila dengan file tersebut anda kemudian sudah menjadi kaya, jangan lupa hubungi saya...

The Book of Tempeh : Buku Panduan Lengkap Resep Menu Makanan Tempe


Tempe or Tempeh is my favorit food, almost everyday I eat it. The most my favorit tempe is TEMPE BACEM and MENDOAN. Tempeh is one of Indonesia’s most extraordinary gifts to the world. A cultured soyfood, it tastes like Southern fried chicken and is the best vegetarian source of vitamin B-12. More importantly, tempeh is a delicious, natural source of high-quality, cholesterol-free protein, making it an excellent aid to reducing cholesterol as well as a light, tasty treat. Beautifully illustrated and immensely informative, THE BOOK OF TEMPEH showcases this hearty, versatile ingredient in delectable recipes such as Tempeh Guacamole, Spicy Curried Tempeh, Tempeh Jambalaya, and Tempeh Burger with Coriander and Garlic Crisp Tempeh. Whether you’re a veteran vegetarian eager for a new source of essential protein and vitamins, just looking for ways to lead a healthier life, or simply interested in adding some variety to your menus, this book is sure to please.

Electonics Workbench Multisim : Mendesain PCB dan Mencobanya

Multisim is part of the latest suite of innovative circuit design software from Electronics Workbench, providing the unparalleled power and flexibility of truly interactive simulations. Multisim provides schematic capture and simulation, including patented co-simulation of SPICE and VHDL, for the professional designer.Also, included in the Electronics Workbench suite are Ultiboard for advanced PCB Layout and Ultiroute for grid-based or gridless autoroutingMultisim is a powerful simulation tool that includes a complete, fully integrated version of Multicap for design entry leading to simulation.Verify circuits and locate errors before they propagate further down the design flow and become costly mistakes.Investigate circuits using the industry s only virtual instruments and "change-on-the-fly interactive simulation.Gain true understanding of your circuit s performance with a comprehensive suite of analyses. Multisim helps optimize designs and minimize time-to-market.


Untuk Versi Multisim 10 Portable
Ingat password *.rar : gunner
atau :

Perpustakaan Gratis Senayan Library

Download Senayan 3.12 Portable

Senayan Library adalah software perpustakaan yang bagus untuk diterapkan baik di sekolah maupun persewaan buku. Software gratis ini memiliki fasilitas katalog buku, manajemen simpan pinjam, daftar anggota, sirkulasi, reports dan barcode support. Kebutuhan minimal yaitu komp PIII, Ram 128 dengan OS Linux / windows, Local Server dan Web Browser. Mendukung beberapa pilihan tampilan dan bahasa, termasuk arab dan indonesia.

Dengan mencoba versi Portablenya, anda tinggal mengekstraknya ke C:\ atau D:\, jadikan folder senayan di root. Lalu jalankan start apache.bat kemuadian start mysql.bat, baru buka browser kesukaan anda dan tulis alamat http://localhost, anda sudah bisa melihat daftaf menu yang ada bahkan bisa mengatur dan membuat daftar buku dan lainnya. Sangat cocok untuk sekolah-sekolah bahkan universitas dan perpusda.

Ingat untuk Librarian Login, user = admin, Password = admin


Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) with thumbnail document image support (can be use for book cover), Simple Search and Advanced Search mode
Documents record detail in XML format
Bibliographic/catalog database management with book cover image support
Document items database management
Master Files management to manages document referential data such as GMD, Collection Types, Publishers, Authors, Locations, Authors and Suppliers
Circulation support with following features:
Loan and Return transaction
Collections reservation
Quick return
Configurable and flexible Loan Rules
Membership management
Stock Taking module to help Stock Op name process in library
Reporting and Statistics
System modules with following features:
Global system configuration
Modules management
Application Users and Groups management
Holiday settings
Barcodes generator utility
Database backup utility
Software requirements

PHP 5 scripting engine (version > 5.1, Senayan is developed under PHP 5.2.4)
GD support is enabled. GD support must be build with PNG, JPG, GIF and FreeType support (on *NIX system you can achieve it by building PHP with –-with-gd –-with-png-dir=/usr/lib –-with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib -–with-freetype-dir=/usr/lib and be sure that PNG, JPEG and Freetype library and development header already installed, check your OS/distro documentation on how to install them)
XML supports (usually this is enabled by default in PHP 5)
mysqli support
A Web server (Apache 2.2 is recommended)
MySQL Database server (version > 4.1, but we recommend >= 5.0)
mysqldump utility for database backup
GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris or Windows operating system
Javascript 1.5, AJAX and CSS 2 capable and enabled browser such as Mozilla Firefox 2, Opera 9, Konqueror 3.5 (include Safari), or Microsoft Internet Explorer >= 6.0
PDF document reader such as Adobe Reader, Evince or Foxit PDF Reader to view PDF document created by Senayan
Hardware Requirements

Pentium III class processor
256 MB of RAM
Standard VGA with 16-Bit color support
Optional : Barcodes reader to scan barcodes in circulation modules

Free AMR audio player software - AMR Player : Pemutar File Suara Standar Handphone

Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) is an audio data compression scheme optimized for speech coding. AMR was adopted as the standard speech codec by 3GPP in October 1998 and is now widely used in GSM and UMTS. It uses link adaptation to select from one of eight different bit rates based on link conditions.

AMR is an audio format which is extensively used in mobile devices in various applications ranging from normal audio player/recorder to VoIP kind of applications. AMR can be further categorized as: AMR-NB( NarrowBand ) and AMR-WB( WideBand ).

AMR-WB ensures that speech quality is optimized in a mobile station by verifying its ability to determine when to request a change to another codec with either more or less error correction and protection as signal quality changes. AMR-NB (Adaptive Multi-Rate Narrowband) is a vocoder employed in low-bitrate applications like mobile phones.

AMR is also a file format for storing spoken audio using the AMR codec. Many modern mobile telephone handsets will allow you to store short recordings in the AMR format, it should be remembered that AMR is a speech format and is unlikely to give ideal results for other audio. The common filename extension is .amr.

Free AMR audio player software - AMR Player

AMR Player is one freeware to let you can play the AMR audio files on your PC, and support to convert common multimedia file formats ( such as MP3 or WAV) to audio AMR/AWB format, or output AMR audio files to MP3/WAV audio format.

The usage of AMR Player is very simple, click "Add Files" button of the main interface, select the one ".amr" file, then click "Play" button, AMR Player can decode the AMR audio file, then play the audio/music for you. If you want to convert AMR to MP3 format, just select one AMR files that you had added, click "AMR to MP3", input one MP3 file name, the free program can convert your AMR files at once, both MP3 and WAV are popular audio formats.

Main Features about AMR Player

Simple interface and easy to use;
Support both AMR-NB and AMR-WB audio formats;
Convert MP3 to AMR;
Convert WAV to AMR;
Convert AMR to MP3;
Convert AMR to WAV;
"100% Free", this software is freeware for both personal and commercial use.


The latest version of AMR Player is 1.3 (some small bugs fixed), it is one %100 free software, no adware or no spyware, and you can download here:

Download AMR Player

Senin, 05 April 2010

Active@ Boot Disk 5.05

Active@ Boot Disk is a complete and functioning computer operating system on CD/DVD/USB disk. You simply insert a boot disk into your computer, and reboot. While a live CD does not modify the operating system already installed on a computer's hard drive, it includes many tools to boot up a computer and fix most startup, PC configuration, and system management problems.

Active@ Boot Disk based on lightweight Windows VISTA (WinPE 2.1) operation environment and contains disk image, data recovery, password resetting, data erasure, network access tools and system utilities.

Active@ Boot Disk is a custom configured system.
Necessary drivers and scripts can be installed.
One may add an alternate language keyboard layout.

Active@ Boot Disk (Win Edition)
Active@ Boot Disk is a bootable CD that gives you a lightweight Windows VISTA (WinPE 2.1) environment with disk image, data recovery, password resetting, data erasure and network access tools.
The WinPE 2.1 Operating System runs entirely from Random Access Memory (RAM), enabling you to insert a second CD that contains drivers or software or can be used for CD/DVD burning.

Active@ Boot Disk comes with a collection of powerful utilities, giving you the confidence to repair failed systems:
Active@ Disk Image - Imaged-based data backup and restoration tool

Active@ File Recovery - Deleted data recovery software
Active@ Partition Recovery - Lost partition recovery software
Active@ Hex Editor - Tool for editing disk in a binary format
Active@ Password Changer - Windows password resetting tool

Active@ KillDisk - Secure data erasure and disk wiping software

PC Disk Partition Manager - Add, edit, delete, format and manage the partitions in your computer
Active@ CD/DVD Data Burner - CD/DVD burning software
Network operations utilities -
Map Network Drive
Remote Desktop Connection
Web browser
FTP Client
Telnet Client
Network Configuration Utility
System Utilities
Internet Utilities
Other Utilities
File Explorer
Task Manager
On-Fly Drivers Loader
Display Configuration Utility
Command Prompt shell

Requirements for Using Active@ Boot Disk (Win Edition)

To use Active@ Boot Disk, you must have the following:
Pentium II processor or higher
300MB or more RAM
A CD/DVD drive or a USB mass storage device to boot from

In addition to the above, you must be able to turn on power to the machine and you must have access to the system board BIOS setup.

Active@ Boot Disk (DOS Edition)
Active@ Boot Disk Professional combines six powerful tools that let you recover your lost data, reset Windows passwords, make computer system backups and securely erase data. Active@ Boot Disk is used from a bootable CD-ROM to start the PC.

Active@ Boot Disk (DOS Edition) contains the following products:
• Active@ UNERASER
• Active@ Partition Recovery
• Active@ KillDisk
• Active@ Disk Image
• Active@ NTFS Reader
• Active@ Password Changer

Requirements for Using Active@ Boot Disk (DOS Edition)

To use Active@ Boot Disk (DOS Edition), you must have the following computer hardware:
386 processor or higher
A CD/DVD drive
No RAM restrictions (4MB or more)

MD5: C4A2BCCE96B95E03778028E0FEBEA977
SHA-1: CFCAF1296CDD7A1659F0E490FBC83DBD5CC862F2
CRC32: 23E4C878

Size : 124 MB
Download links : Hotfile Or Uploadbox Or Sharingmatrix

Active@ Boot Disk 5 Plus

Download UploadBox 221 MB
Download SharingMatrix

Active @ Boot Disk - includes a powerful set of tools that allow you to recover lost data, reset passwords, user accounts Windows, back up your system and securely erase data beyond recovery. Active @ Boot Disk is a bootable CD, and can even be used for computers that do not load the main operating system.
New special edition, compiled based on Windows PE 3 of Windows 7. This is not the official version, and compiled from scratch and it used some of the components and the shell Active @ Boot Disk.

The list of differences and additions:

- Updated all programs.
- Windows PE 3 (6.1.7600)
- Remote Desktop Connection (6.1.7600)
- SpeedCommander 13
- Symantec Ghost 11.5
- Symantec GhostCast Server
- Symantec GhostCast Explorer
- HDDScan 3.2
- ImageX (6.1.7600)
- Windows Deployment Services Image Capture
- Windows System Recovery Options
- Firefox 3.5.7
- PuTTy
And also the drivers for network adapters.
It is also possible to use with Windows Deployment Services.
The disc includes the following utilities Active @:
- Active @ Disk Image
- Active @ Password Changer
- Active @ KillDisk
- Active @ File Recovery
- Active @ Partition Recovery
- Active @ Disk Monitor
- Active @ Partition Manager
- Active @ Hex Editor
- Active @ Data CD / DVD Burner
- Network Utilities
- System Utilities
- Internet Utilities
and utilities for network configuration, Internet browsing, downloading drivers, equipment, etc. ..

Creat XP ghost image working on all computers

Creat XP ghost image working on all computers
Hi all

Befor going through tutorial,i would like to say thank you to all good
friends from all over world ,that i have never seen them and they have
never seen me,just we have got familier through web pages and my small
This is 15th day of our new year in my country, and in this 15 days i
have got a lot of kindly messages from kind friends,and these messages
make me to know that i am alive and there are a lot of persons that like
Thanks a lot ,live happy and helthy,have very very good life.

Several months ago ,when searching web pages i have seen a lot of new programs
to make ghost image of windows XP easyly.But all of them was working in languge
that i did not know,so it was very difficut for me to understand and took a lot
of time to know how to use them.

And at last i found a very nice program that has english GUI and makes syspreping
(then ghosting) of windows XP very easy and automatic.and the result works with
almost all kind of mainboards.

System Preparation Assisted Tool:At his time Spat6.0.0beta2 can be downloaded
from link below (9.83MB):

SkyDriver : At this Time SkyDriver 9.9 can be downloaded from links below:

SkyDriver link removed containing WAREZ


1.This tutor will work just for drive C: ,So Install your favorite Windows XP
(sp2 or sp3) in drive C: (No different if you install or not install your
system drivers).

2.Istall all your favorite programs like Office,FireFox,7zip, and ... and test
them to be sure they are working.

3.Install any windows updates that you need.

4.Make all your favorite customizations in your system.

5.Delete all unneeded files like files in temp folder and ...then Empty Recycle bine.

6.Extract Spat6.0.0beta2.exe some where forexample your desktop.

7.Extract SkyDriver to C:\Sysprep directory.

8.Make your favorite Back ground picture (800x600 0r 1024x768 24bit JPG) ,Name it
setup.jpg and put it in C:\Sysprep\ directory. This is the background picture that
you will see after applying the final ghost image to any computer,during first Boot.
(See pic_01.jpg from attachment).

9.You can put more files inside C:\Sysprep\ directory like directx and ...that will
be run during 1st boot (If you give the assosiated commands that i will tell about
them during tutor) and will be added to your installed system automatically.

10.Run Spat6.0.0beta2.exe,If every thing is ready to begin,it will show message ,OK it.

11.The main page of Spat6 will be shown (See pic_02-A).Do as below:

_ A _ Go to general tab select all.

_ B _ click on "background picture" ,Then select C:\Sysprep\setup.jpg ,then click
preview to show your picture ,then OK.

_ C _ Go to Interface tab and in "Run before mini-setup" section give infor mation
below (as you see in pic_02-:
Note: as i told in step 9 you can put other tools in C:\Sysprep\ directory
that as you see in pic_02-B,i have typed commands for thee other programs to
be integrated to our deployed system and will be run during mini setup.but
for this tutor you do not need them.

_ D _ Go to Reseal tab select your favorites.

_ E _ Back to General tab and click on sysprep

12.Spat starts working (About 1 or 2 minutes) then when the job is finished,it's
window will be closed.wait about 1 minute,then shut Down computer.

13.At this time your C: drive is ready to get ghost image of that.So Boot your
computer by 3rd party,get ghost image of drive C: and put it some where for
example in D:\My Ghost\

Now every thing are finished,and if you apply this ghost image to drive C: of
any computer,in 1st boot you will have mini setup proccess (about 10 minutes)
and when it is finished ,you will see that it works in all computers and also
all or some of drivers of that computer is installed automatically.This is because
we have used SkyDriver that has many of drivers inside itself in 7zip format (the
size of 7ziped drivers is 161 MB and extracted drivers are about 1.07 GB).

Now If you boot your computer normally,you will have 10 minutes of mini setup
proccess,then you can use you ready windows.this is the same proccess that you
will have if you apply ghost image to another computer.The only difference is
this that in some computers you will not need to install drivers and in some
else you may need to install one or more drivers

I tested this project with 7 different computers by different hardwares all was OK.

hope will be some help

(shirin zaban)

Edite: Note that spat 6 is password protected and password is:

Creat XP Ghost Image Working on All Computers

Creat XP ghost image working on all computers
Hi all

Befor going through tutorial,i would like to say thank you to all good
friends from all over world ,that i have never seen them and they have
never seen me,just we have got familier through web pages and my small
This is 15th day of our new year in my country, and in this 15 days i
have got a lot of kindly messages from kind friends,and these messages
make me to know that i am alive and there are a lot of persons that like
Thanks a lot ,live happy and helthy,have very very good life.

Several months ago ,when searching web pages i have seen a lot of new programs
to make ghost image of windows XP easyly.But all of them was working in languge
that i did not know,so it was very difficut for me to understand and took a lot
of time to know how to use them.

And at last i found a very nice program that has english GUI and makes syspreping
(then ghosting) of windows XP very easy and automatic.and the result works with
almost all kind of mainboards.

System Preparation Assisted Tool:At his time Spat6.0.0beta2 can be downloaded
from link below (9.83MB):

SkyDriver : At this Time SkyDriver 9.9 can be downloaded from links below:

SkyDriver link removed containing WAREZ


1.This tutor will work just for drive C: ,So Install your favorite Windows XP
(sp2 or sp3) in drive C: (No different if you install or not install your
system drivers).

2.Istall all your favorite programs like Office,FireFox,7zip, and ... and test
them to be sure they are working.

3.Install any windows updates that you need.

4.Make all your favorite customizations in your system.

5.Delete all unneeded files like files in temp folder and ...then Empty Recycle bine.

6.Extract Spat6.0.0beta2.exe some where forexample your desktop.

7.Extract SkyDriver to C:\Sysprep directory.

8.Make your favorite Back ground picture (800x600 0r 1024x768 24bit JPG) ,Name it
setup.jpg and put it in C:\Sysprep\ directory. This is the background picture that
you will see after applying the final ghost image to any computer,during first Boot.
(See pic_01.jpg from attachment).

9.You can put more files inside C:\Sysprep\ directory like directx and ...that will
be run during 1st boot (If you give the assosiated commands that i will tell about
them during tutor) and will be added to your installed system automatically.

10.Run Spat6.0.0beta2.exe,If every thing is ready to begin,it will show message ,OK it.

11.The main page of Spat6 will be shown (See pic_02-A).Do as below:

_ A _ Go to general tab select all.

_ B _ click on "background picture" ,Then select C:\Sysprep\setup.jpg ,then click
preview to show your picture ,then OK.

_ C _ Go to Interface tab and in "Run before mini-setup" section give infor mation
below (as you see in pic_02-:
Note: as i told in step 9 you can put other tools in C:\Sysprep\ directory
that as you see in pic_02-B,i have typed commands for thee other programs to
be integrated to our deployed system and will be run during mini setup.but
for this tutor you do not need them.

_ D _ Go to Reseal tab select your favorites.

_ E _ Back to General tab and click on sysprep

12.Spat starts working (About 1 or 2 minutes) then when the job is finished,it's
window will be closed.wait about 1 minute,then shut Down computer.

13.At this time your C: drive is ready to get ghost image of that.So Boot your
computer by 3rd party,get ghost image of drive C: and put it some where for
example in D:\My Ghost\

Now every thing are finished,and if you apply this ghost image to drive C: of
any computer,in 1st boot you will have mini setup proccess (about 10 minutes)
and when it is finished ,you will see that it works in all computers and also
all or some of drivers of that computer is installed automatically.This is because
we have used SkyDriver that has many of drivers inside itself in 7zip format (the
size of 7ziped drivers is 161 MB and extracted drivers are about 1.07 GB).

Now If you boot your computer normally,you will have 10 minutes of mini setup
proccess,then you can use you ready windows.this is the same proccess that you
will have if you apply ghost image to another computer.The only difference is
this that in some computers you will not need to install drivers and in some
else you may need to install one or more drivers

I tested this project with 7 different computers by different hardwares all was OK.

hope will be some help

(shirin zaban)

Edite: Note that spat 6 is password protected and password is:

Multibootable USB flashdisk untuk NetBook : Grub4DOS for Directly Booting iso Images

Saat-saat tertentu mungkin anda memerlukan booting dari flashdisk dikarenakan Windows anda ngadat atau pingsan diserang Virus yang semakin menjadi-jadi. Inilah cara paling cepat membuat satu flashdisk agar bisa booting langsung dari file iso (image cd/dvd) :
1. Siapkan pc, notebook, netbook atau tablet yang BIOS nya mendukung boot dari usb flashdisk. Sediakan flashdisk yang mendukung bootable. Kebanyakan netbook pasti mendukung boot dari usb flashdisk, sebagaimana kebanyakan flashdisk juga mendukung untuk di-bootable-kan. (alif memakai VanBook dan flashdisk Kingstone 8 GB & Adata 4 GB).
2. Format flashdisk dengan system file NTFS memakai HP USB Format tool (Download di sini, pakai HPUSBFW.exe). Hati-hati dan cermat saja saat memilih drive flashdiksnya, jangan salah pilih.

3. Install bootloader Grub4dos dengan menjalankan grubinst_gui.exe (di folder tool downloadan sudah tersedia, grubutil-1.1-bin-w32-19), pilih flashdisk dengan tepat. Abaikan saja menu pilihan hal-hal yang anda belum tahu pasti.

4. Copy grldr, ntldr, ntdetect.com, boot.ini dan menu.lst dari folder tool downloadan tadi, ke root flashdisk dan timpa saja bila ada yang sama.
5. Edit menu.lst dengan notepad sesuai selera kebutuhan anda. Contoh menu.lst alif :
color blue/cyan yellow/cyan
timeout 6
default /default

title Boot from Hardisk (Start Windows)
root (hd0,0)
chainloader (hd0,0)/ntldr

title Start Active@Boot CD
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/activ.iso
map /iso/activ.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Start Mini WindowsXP Live
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/xp.iso
map /iso/xp.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Start TrueBoot
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/true.iso
map /iso/true.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Start PuppyBoot
root (hd0,0)
chainloader /isolinux.bin

title Start HirenBootCD 9.9
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/hiren.iso
map /iso/hiren.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Start AviraBoot
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/avira.iso
map /iso/avira.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Start UBCDBoot
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/ubcd.iso
map /iso/ubcd.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Start DataRescue
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/data.iso
map /iso/data.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Start TinyCore
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/core.iso
map /iso/core.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Start Kolibri
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/koli.iso
map /iso/koli.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Start MeneutBoot
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/menuet.iso
map /iso/menuet.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Loading Reatogo
root (hd0,0)
chainloader /minint/setupldr.bin

6. Sesuaikan file iso image bootable anda dan copy/masukan ke dalam suatu folder di root dengan nama sesuai menu.lst (alif pakai nama “iso”)
7. Restart komputer
8. Setting agar bios bisa boot dari usb flashdisk, jika belum.
9. Saat boot dari flashdisk, pilih menu bootable yang anda inginkan. Alif sukses mencoba dan menjalankan Mini Windows XP Live, WinPE 2.0, Active@boot CD, Trueimageboot, Hiren’s boot CD 9.9, UBCD Ultimate BootCD, TinyCore Linux, Mini Windows 98 Live, Kolibri OS dan lainnya.

Keuntungan memakai cara ini :
- File-file boot relatif aman karena tersimpan dalam format iso image yang hampir tidak mungkin diserang Virus.
- Boot dari flashdisk relatif lebih cepat dibanding dari CD/DVD, dan flashdisk juga ditengarai lebih awet daripada keping CD atau DVD jika sering dipakai (cd lebih cepat kotor dan tergores).
- Anda tetap bisa menggunakan flashdisk sebagai media penyimpanan data. Bahkan…
- Dengan format NTFS, flashdisk anda sekarang bisa mengcopy satu file yang ukurannya lebih besar dari 4 GB, hal yang tidak bisa jika system filenya FAT16 atau FAT32.
- Untuk merubah, membuat atau menambah boot system baru, anda tidak perlu mengulang dari awal, cukup copy file iso-nya ke folder iso dan edit menu.lst. (Selama tidak terserang virus boot sector yang merusak tentunya)

Other Way
How to create a Multiboot USB Flash Drive that you can use to Boot Multiple ISO Files from USB. Please note that you will need a large USB device to be able to support every bootable ISO listed in the Grub menu. I will update and add more Bootable ISO files to the list as I find the time to test them. You can also contact us to submit working Bootable ISO entries for inclusion.

MultiBoot USB Menu (Simply select an ISO to boot from USB)

MultiBootISOs Works by using Syslinux to chainload GRUB4DOS. At Startup, the following Boot menu is presented.

MultiBoot Grub Menu - ISO files that can be Booted from USB

Note: You must manually add the ISO Files to your Flash Drive.

Basic Essentials to create a Multi ISO Boot USB Flash Drive

* "Fat32 Formatted" 512MB-8GB USB Flash Drive (depending on how many ISO's you use)
* PC that can boot from USB
* Windows XP/Vista/7 host to create the Bootable USB
* MultiBootISOs.exe
* Your select ISO Files

This MultiBoot process will currently enable you to Boot the following:

Official Distribution Sites and corresponding download links are listed.

* Memtest86+
* Clonezilla
* Linux Mint 8
* Ubuntu 9.10
* Xubuntu 9.10
* Kubuntu 9.10
* Ubuntu 9.10 Netbook
* Ubuntu Server Edition
* Parted Magic 4.9
* Partition Wizard 4.2
* Damn Small Linux
* Ultimate Boot CD
* SliTaz Linux Site
* Ophcrack XP Site
* Ophcrack Vista Site
* Offline NT Password + Reg Editor Site
* RIP Linux 9.3 Site
* Ylmf OS Site
* DBAN 1.0.7 (Hard Drive Nuker)
* xPUD (Simple Netbook Distro)
* FreeDOS Site (put balder10.img on USB)
* BKO boot.kernel.org (put gpxe.lkrn on USB)
* AVG Rescue CD
* Puppy Linux 4.3.1 (Download initrd.gz, vmlinuz, and pup-431.sfs and put them in the puppy folder on your USB)

How to Boot Multiple ISO Files from USB

1. Download and run MultiBootISOs.exe following the onscreen instructions
2. Download some ISO Files (listed above) and place them on your Flash Drive
3. Restart your PC setting it to boot from the USB device
4. Select the ISO you want to Boot from the Menu and enjoy!

That's all there is to it. You should now be booting your favorite ISO files from your Multi-Boot USB device!

Additional Notes: You can boot Ubuntu and remixes with persistence by using our Casper-RW Creator script to create a Casper-RW file on your USB device. One Distro can use casper persistence only!

If you don't have a floppy drive and get fd0 errors while booting, simply add floppy.allowed_drive_mask=0 to the kernel line for that menu entry.

To load Ophcrack tables when booted in this fashion, the tables folder needs to exist at the root of the USB device. Example E:\tables\vista_free. Download Tables from the Official site and unzip to your USB.

Boot Errors: While trying to run an ISO from USB, If you get a Boot error saying:

Error 60: File for drive emulation must be in one contiguous disk area

You'll need to defragment your ISO using one of the following tools:

contig - Command line tool to defragment ISO files.

wincontig – GUI tool to defragment ISO files.

For information on how to try other ISO's, see the "CDROM emulation (virtualization) section" in the official GRUB4DOS Readme file. Additionally, Here is another good third party guide that explains how things work.

If you successfully boot from a Linux Based ISO that isn't listed, let me know and I will add it to the list.