Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009

Maktabah Seluler : Kumpulan Aplikasi Java J2ME Handphone Islami

Ini adalah salah satu buku hasil pencarian alif di internet dan lainnya....diolah dan dipadukan menjadi buku dengan bonus CD full aplikasi yang dibahas beserta tutorial video setiap aplikasi. Saya sangat menyarankan semua muslim indonesia yang memiliki HP berjava J2ME untuk memilikinya...

Pada saat ini HP sudah tidak asing lagi bagi siapapun. Harganya pun semakin lama semakin terjangkau, sehingga dengan uang kurang dari sejuta rupiah kita sudah bisa mendapatkan HP berfitur java dan berbonus memori eksternal untuk menjalankan berbagai macam aplikasi J2ME.

Namun sayangnya, bagi sebagian orang, kemudahan dan kemurahan teknologi HP sering dimanfaatkan untuk hal-hal yang negatif, terutama yang berkaitan dengan pornografi. Padahal ada banyak aplikasi yang bisa menemani kita untuk lebih mendekatkan diri kita kepada Allah dan mendalami ajaran Islam lewat berbagai macam aplikasi J2ME tersebut.

Berangkat dari kenyataan seperti itulah kami menerbitkan buku ini. Buku ini memuat informasi dan tutorial singkat sekitar seratusan software dan e-book HP yang berupa aplikasi java J2ME, seperti Al-Qur’an dan terjemahnya, Hadits dan terjemahnya, aplikasi-aplikasi falak dan pengingat waktu shalat, aplikasi-aplikasi penghitung zakat dan warisan, kamus-kamus Arab-Inggris dan Inggris-Indonesia, materi-materi dakwah sehari-hari, game-game Islami, aplikasi-aplikasi pembuat perpustakaan dan e-book HP, serta aplikasi-aplikasi pendukung lainnya. Kami juga menyertakan CD bonus yang berisi hampir semua software yang dibahas di dalam buku, plus bonus-bonus lain yang tidak kami terangkan di dalam buku.

Hampir semua aplikasi yang dibahas di sini sudah penulis coba menggunakan HP Sony Ericsson K608i dan SjBoy J2ME emulator, namun jangan berkecil hati, karena kebanyakan kompatibel dengan berbagai macam tipe HP. Kalaupun Anda masih kesulitan menginstalnya di HP, Anda tinggal meminta tolong pada teman yang punya komputer atau pada counter-counter HP yang saat ini telah tersebar dimana-mana. Di dalam buku inipun kami sertakan sebagian daftar HP yang berfitur java, agar Anda yang belum mempunyai HP bisa menjadikannya sebagai panduan.

- - -

Spesifikasi buku; Ukuran 20,5 cm X 14, cmTebal 100 hal, harga Rp. 45.000,- + Bonus CD Kumpulan Software dan E-Book Islami.

Untuk memesan via SMS silakan tulis WP/Nama Anda/Kota/Maktabah Seluler/1/ kirimkan ke 081.329.399.179


Kata Pengantar ………………………………………………………….………. ii
Isi CD/DVD Bonus …………………….………………………………..……….. iv
Daftar Isi ………………………………………………………………………….. viii

A. Al-Qur’an Digital 2
1. Pocket Quran 0.94b………………….……………………………………….. 2
2. Mobile Quran 0.9……………………………………………….….………….. 3
3. Mini Quran 1.0…………………..…………………………………..………… 5
4. Terjemah Juz 30………….……..…………………………...……………..… 6
5. Mobile Ya Seen…………………………………..………….…..……………. 7
6. Moshaf 1.0……………………………………………………………………... 8
7. MobiQB 0.5……………………………………………………………………. 10
8. Pocket The Holy Quran 2.0………………………………………………….. 11
9. Arabic Quran…………………………………………………………………... 11
10. Quran Reader Basic 5.0……………………………………………………. 13
11. Mobile Quran Ebook.……………………………………………………….. 13
12. Tiny Quran……………………………………………………………………. 15
13. Index Quran & Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia………………………….. 15
14. Quran Surah Al Ghasiyah………………………………………….………. 16
15. Quran Persian Arabic………………………………………………………. 17
16. Kalimatul Quran……………………………………………………………… 18
17. Quran Audio…………………………………………………………………. 19
18. Yaasin………………………………………………………………………… 20
19. Ayat Kursi…………………………………………………………………….. 21
20. Yassin………………………………………………………………………… 22

B. Al-Hadits Digital 24
1. Sahih Al-Bukhari 2.1…………………......…………………………………… 24
2. Shahih Muslim………………………….…………………………….……….. 25
3. Al-Muwatta………………………………………………….……….………… 26
4. 40 Al-Nawawya……………………………………………………………….. 26
5. Hadits 40……………………………………………………………………….. 27
6. Hadits 50 & 40 Hadits Qudsi………………………………..…...………….. 28
7. Paket Hadits…………………………………………………………………… 29
8. Translations of Shahih Bukhori Vol. 1…………………………………….. 30
9. Hadits Bukhori dan Muslim Tentang Haji…………………………………... 31
10. Hadith Qudsi…………………………………………………………………. 32
11. Terjemah Ringkasan Shahih Bukhori……………………………………... 33

C. Aplikasi Bantu Falak 34
1. Azan Times 1.0……………………………………………..…………………. 34
2. Sala Mobile 2.0……………………………...……………………...……..….. 36
3. Adzan Times 2.5….…………………......………………………..………….. 37
4. Al-Muathen Basic 1.1………………………………………………………… 39
5. Alvi Calendar………………………………………………………………….. 40
6. CepMuvakkit………………………………………………………………….. 40
7. Prayer Times Basic 2.02……………………………………………………... 41
8. Digital Tesbih 1, 2 dan 3……………………..……………………...……….. 42
9. Cep Muezzin…………………………………………………………………... 43
10. Taghvim………………………………………………………………………. 44
11. Mobile Solar System 1.0……………………………………………………. 45

D. Aplikasi Bantu Hitung Zakat 46
1. Zakat Calculator 1.0……………………………………………...…………… 46
2. Kalkulator Zakat………………………………………………………………. 47

E. Kamus Mobile 48
1. Badr English-Arabic Dictionary…………..………………………………… 48
2. Al-Morafiq 1.0 (English-Arabic Dictionary)………………………………… 49
3. English-Arabian Dictionary 2.5.0……………………………………………. 50
4. Gutenary………………………………………………………………………. 50
5. Dictionary 2.8…………………………………………………………………. 51
6. The Indonesian English Dictionary………………………………………… 52
7. The English Dictionary……………………………………………………….. 52
8. Kamus 1.0.0 (English-Indonesian Dictionary)……………………….…….. 53
9. PocketDict 1.0 (English-Indonesian-English Dictionary)………….……… 54
10. Webster’s DictionaryForMIDs 2.4.3……………………………………….. 55

F. Aplikasi Hitung Warits 56
1. Irth (web)…………………………………………………………………..…... 56

G. Mobile eBook 58
1. Mukhtasor Al-adzkar wal Al-ad’iyyah 1.0…………………………………… 58
2. Al Azkar………………………………………………………………………… 59
3. Al-Moumin……………………………………………………………………… 60
4. mRamadhan…………………………………………………………………... 61
5. mShalat………………………………….…………………………………….. 62
6. Buku Saku Shalat Sunat.………………….…………...……………….…… 63
7. Allah’s 99 Names 1.0………………………………………………………… 64
8. Dakwah Kit……………………………………………………………………. 65
9. Islamic Suplications (Doa)…………………………………………………… 66
10. Doa Quran…………………………………………………………………… 67
11. Halal Food Guide with E-Codes and Ingredients………………………… 68
12. Sepercik Hikmah 1 dan 2………………………………………………….. 68
13. Inspiring True Stories………………………………………………………. 69
14. Kehidupan Islami Warga Muhammadiyyah……………………………… 71
15. 101 Kisah Teladan 1.1……………………………………………………… 72
16. Kisah-Kisah Nasrudin Hoja…………………………………………………. 73
17. Shalat Jenazah……………………………………………………………… 74
18. Indonesia Travel Guide……………………………………………………... 75
19. Smart Prayer………………………………………………………………… 75
20. Kumpulan Resep Serba Ayam……………………………………………. 76
21. Mobile World Fact 2008…………………………………………………… 77
22. The Saudi Mobile Guide……………………………………………………. 79

H. Kristologi 81
1. Holy Bible - King James……………….…………………………………….. 81
2. Injil Alkitab Indonesia………………..………………………………………. 82
3. Go Bible - Luke John………………………………………………………… 83
4. Van Dyck Arabic Bible………………………………………………………. 84
5. The Holy Bible Arabic………………………………………………………… 85

I. Aplikasi Umum 86
1. Currency Converter Pro………………………………………………. 86
2. Operamini 4.2………………………………………………………….. 86
3. Menstrual Calendar 1.8.11…………………………………………… 87
4. Google Map 2.3.1……………………………….…………………….. 88
5. Healthy Life 1.5……………………………….……………………….. 89
6. Calibrator……………………………………………………………….. 91
7. Periodic Table…………………………………………………………. 91
8. YMTiny 1.3.2…………………………………………………………… 92
9. TextEditor 1.1………………………………………………………….. 93
10. World Flags 1.0……………………………………………………… 93
11. MyNotes………………………………………………………………. 94
12. Mobile Maths 1.4……………………………………………………. 95
13. Mobile Conventor……………………………………………………. 96
14. mToolbox 1.0.0………………………………………………………. 97

J. Games 98
1. Arabic129………………………………………………………………. 98
2. Jigsaw Islamic Puzzel 1.0………………….………………………………… 98

K. Tools 100
1. SJBoy Emulator…………………………………..…………………………… 100
2. Midp2Exe (NHL Win32 Emulator)…………………..……………... 101
3. MicroEmulator 2.0.2………………………………………………………….. 103
4. Magic fBook Creator 1.8…………………………………………………….. 103
5. BarbusLab MobiDB 2.1.1…………………………………………………….. 108
6. TequilaCat Book Reader 2.3.4………………………………………………. 109

Aplikasi yang dibahas dalam buku ini adalah aplikasi java j2me dengan MID versi 1.0 , dan 2.0. Aplikasi ini bisa dijalankan pada HP yang mendukung Java J2ME. Sebagai panduan, berikut beberapa tipe ponsel yang mendukung aplikasi java j2me MID 1.0, bila pembaca hendak berbelanja :

Alcatel : One Touch 557a, One Touch 756, One Touch C550, One Touch C552, One Touch C552a, One Touch C750, One Touch S853
Amoi : 8512
Asus : P525
Audiovox : SMT 5600
BenQ : C30, EF51, P31, P50
BenQ-Siemens : CL71, E61, E71, E81, EF91, S81, S88, SL91
BlackBerry : 7100i, 7130, 7130e, 7250, 7290, 7520, 8100, 8120, 8130, 8220, 8300, 8310, 8320, 8330, 8700, 8703e, 8707, 8800, 8820, 8830, 8900, Bold 9000, Storm 9500, Storm 9530
CECT: A1000
Cingular : Cingular 2125, Cingular BlackJack
Dopod : Dopod 515, Dopod 557w, Dopod 565, Dopod 575, Dopod 585, Dopod 586w, Dopod 595, Dopod C720W
Fly : SX210
HP : iPAQ 510 Mobile Messenger
HTC : 8900/Pilgrim/Tilt, HTC MTeoR, HTC S310, HTC S620, HTC S650, HTC S710, P3350, P3400, P3450, P3470, Touch 3G, Touch Diamond, Touch Dual, Touch HD, Touch Pro, Touch Viva, TyTN II
Huawei : U526, U626
I-mobile : 510
LG : B2070, B2150, C1100, C1150, C2000, C2600, C3400, CG225, CT810 Incite, CU320, CU400, CU500, CU720, CU915, CU920, F2400, KE770, KE800, KE820, KE970, KE990, KF700, KF750, KG195, KG200, KG220, KG225, KG240, KG245, KG290, KG300, KG320, KP220, KP500, KS20, KS360, KT610, KU250, KU380, KU580, KU800, KU830, KU970, KU990, LG KE500, LG-KE600, LG550, LX550, LX570, M4410, MG100a, MG105, MG220, MX510, P7200, S5200, Trax CU575, TU500, TU515, TU575, TU915, U310, U8210, U8290, U8330, U8500, U880, V9000, VX9400, VX9900
Lenovo : V800
Mitac : Mio 8390, Mio 8860, Mio 8870
Motorola : A1200, A760, A780, C257, C261, C290, C380, C390, C650, C975, E1000, E1070, E398, E398B, E398i, E550, E680, E680i, E770, E770-Vodafone, E790, E815, i580, i830, i850, i930, IC402, IC502, IC902, K1, K3, KZRK K1, L6, L6i, L7-Vodafone, L71, Motoming A1600, MOTOROKR Z6m, Motorola Q, Motorola Q Plus, Motozine ZN5, MPX220, PEBL U3, Razr V3, RAZR V3a, RAZR V3m, Razr V3x, RAZR V3xx, RAZR V3xxv, RAZR V6, RAZR2 V8, RAZR2 V9, RAZR2 V9m, RIZR Z10, RIZR Z8, ROKR E1, ROKR E2, ROKR E6, ROKR Z6, SLVR L7, SLVR L7e, SLVR L7i, SLVR L9, U9, V1075, V1100, V177, V180, V186, V188, V190, V191, V195, V197, V220, V235, V300, V303, V360, V360-Vodafone, V365, V3c, V3i, V3m, V3r, V3t, V3v, V3x-Vodafone, V400, V500, V505, V525, V525M, V535, V545, V550, V551, V555, V557, V600, V600i, V620, V635, V690, V80, V975, V980, V980M, W220, W315, W375, W385, W490, W510, Z3
NEC : e616, N600
Nokia : 1680c, 2600 classic, 2610, 2626, 2630, 2660, 2680, 2760, 2855, 2855i, 2865, 2865i, 3109 classic, 3120 classic, 3152, 3155, 3155i, 3220, 3230, 3250, 3500, 3555, 3600 slide, 5000, 5070, 5140, 5140i, 5200, 5220 XpressMusic, 5300, 5310 XpressMusic, 5320 XpressMusic, 5500, 5610, 5700, 5800 XpressMusic, 6020, 6021, 6030, 6060, 6060v, 6061, 6070, 6080, 6085, 6086, 6101, 6102, 6102i, 6103, 6110 Navigator, 6111, 6120, 6120c, 6121 classic, 6125, 6126, 6131, 6133, 6151, 6152, 6155, 6165, 6165i, 6170, 6210 Navigator, 6220 Classic, 6230, 6230i, 6233, 6234, 6235, 6235i, 6255, 6255i, 6260, 6265, 6265i, 6267, 6270, 6275i, 6280, 6288, 6290, 6300, 6301, 6500c, 6500s, 6555, 6600, 6600 slide, 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 6708, 6822, 7070, 7210 Supernova, 7260, 7270, 7310 Supernova, 7360, 7370, 7373, 7390, 7500, 7510 Supernova, 7610, 7610 Supernova, 7710, 8600 Luna, 8800, 8800 Sirocco, 9300, 9300i, 9500, E50, E51, E60, E61, E61i, E62, E63, E65, E66, E70, E71, E90, N70, N70-1, N71, N72, N73, N75, N76, N77, N78, N79, N80-1, N81, N81 8GB, N82, N85, N90, N91, N92, N93, N93i, N95, N95 8GB, N96, N97
O2 : Ice
Orange : SPV, SPV C100, SPV C500, SPV C550, SPV C600, SPV C700, SPV e100, SPV E200
Panasonic : SC3, VS2, VS3, VS6, X500
Pantech : PG-1400, PG-1410, PG-C300
Philips : 568, 588, 755, 756, 766, 768, 960, S890, S900
QTEK : QTEK 7070, QTEK 8010, QTEK 8020, QTEK 8080, QTEK 8100, QTEK 8300, QTEK 8310, QTEK 8600
Qtek : 8100, 8500
RoverPC : M1
Sagem : MY 302X, MY 301X, MY 400V, MY 400X, MY 401C, MY 401X, MY 401Z, MY 405X, MY 419X, MY 501C, MY 501X, MY 600v, MY 600x, MY 700X, MY C4-2, MY C5-2, MY C5-2 Vodafone, MY C5-3, MY V-55, MY V-56, MY V-65, MY V-75, MY W-7, MY X-4, MY X-5-2T, MY X-6, MY X-7, MY X-8, MY X5-2, MY X5-2M, MY X6-2, MY Z-5, my411X, myX5-2v, Sagem myS-7
Samsung : A717, A867 Eternity, BlackJack/SGH-I607, i300, i320, i320N, i8510 INNOV8, Instinct M800, SCH A870, SGH A701, SGH A707, SGH A827, SGH C130, SGH C140, SGH C160, SGH C170, SGH C200, SGH C207, SGH C207L, SGH C210, SGH C230, SGH C260, SGH C300, SGH C400, SGH C406, SGH C417, SGH D407, SGH D410, SGH D500, SGH D500C, SGH D500E, SGH D510, SGH D520, SGH D600, SGH D600E, SGH D720, SGH D800, SGH D807, SGH D820, SGH D830, SGH D836, SGH D840, SGH D880, SGH D900, SGH D908, SGH E200, SGH E210, SGH E250, SGH E300, SGH E310, SGH E310C, SGH E315, SGH E316, SGH E330N, SGH E340, SGH E340E, SGH E350, SGH E350E, SGH E360, SGH E370, SGH E376, SGH E380, SGH E388, SGH E390, SGH E420, SGH E490, SGH E500, SGH E530, SGH E568, SGH E570, SGH E590, SGH E600, SGH E620, SGH E690, SGH E710, SGH E715, SGH E720, SGH E728, SGH E730, SGH E736, SGH E740, SGH E760, SGH E780, SGH E788, SGH E810, SGH E830, SGH E840, SGH E870, SGH E878, SGH E890, SGH E898, SGH E900, SGH E950, SGH F270, SGH F490, SGH F500, SGH G600, SGH G800, SGH G810, SGH i300, SGH I320, SGH i450, SGH i550, SGH i560, SGH i600, SGH i617, SGH i710, SGH i780, SGH i900, SGH J200, SGH J600, SGH J700, SGH J750, SGH L760, SGH M600, SGH P200, SGH P300, SGH P310, SGH P400, SGH P510, SGH P777, SGH P850, SGH P900, SGH P906, SGH P910, SGH P920, SGH T209, SGH T219, SGH T319, SGH T329, SGH T509, SGH T509S, SGH T519, SGH T609, SGH T619, SGH T629, SGH T729, SGH T809, SGH U600, SGH U900, SGH X105, SGH X120, SGH X160, SGH X200, SGH X210, SGH X300, SGH X430, SGH X450, SGH X480, SGH X486, SGH X490, SGH X495, SGH X500, SGH X506, SGH X507, SGH X510, SGH X520, SGH X530, SGH X540, SGH X620, SGH X620C, SGH X630, SGH X636, SGH X640, SGH X640C, SGH X648, SGH X650, SGH X660, SGH X670, SGH X680, SGH X686, SGH X700, SGH X820, SGH X830, SGH Z107, SGH Z140, SGH Z170, SGH Z230, SGH Z240, SGH Z300, SGH Z370, SGH Z400, SGH Z400V, SGH Z500, SGH Z510, SGH Z530, SGH Z540, SGH Z560, SGH Z630, SGH Z720, SGH ZV10, SGH ZV40, SGH ZV50, SGH-i607, SGH-L700, SGH-P520, SGH-V820L, SPH A900, SPH A900P, SPH A920, SPH A940, SPH A960, SPH M500, SPH M510, SPH M610, SPH M620, T919 Behold, Z130, Z150
Sanyo : S750, SCP-6600
Sharp : 770SH, GX-L15, GX15, GX17, GX25, GX29, GXT15
Siemens : AP75, C65, C65-Vodafone, C66, C72, C75, CF75, CF76, CX65, CX70, CX75, EF81, M65, M75, ME75, S65, S75, SK65, SL65, SL75, ST60
Sony-Ericsson: C702, C902, C905, D750, D750i, F305, F500i, G502, G700, G900, J220i, J300a, J300i, K200i, K300, K300a, K300i, K310, K310a, K310i, K320i, K500i, K508, K508c, K508i, K510a, K510i, K530i, K550i, K600, K600i, K608i, K610, K610i, K618i, K630, K660i, K700, K700c, K700i, K750, K750i, K770, K790a, K790i, K800i, K800iv, K810i, K850i, M600i, P1i, P900, P910, P910a, P910i, P990i, S302, S500i, S700, S700i, S710a, T250i, T650i, T700, V600, V600i, V630i, W200a, W200i, W300, W300i, W302, W350, W380, W550c, W550i, W580i, W600c, W600i, W610i, W660i, W700i, W710i, W760, W800i, W810i, W810iv, W830i, W850i, W850iv, W880i, W890i, W900i, W910i, W950i, W960, Z1010, Z300i, Z310i, Z310iv, Z500, Z500a, Z520a, Z520i, Z530i, Z550a, Z550i, Z555, Z558i, Z610i, Z710i, Z750, Z800
Spice : D-90
T-Mobile : MDA Dash, MDA Mail, SDA, SDA (US name), SDA II, SDA Music
Tatung : M1
Toshiba : G500, G900
VK Mobile : VK4000
Vodafone : v1210, v1240, VDA II, VDA IV
ZTE : F866
i-mate : Smartphone2, SP Jas, SP3, SP3i, SP5, SP5m, SPL

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