Selasa, 02 Juni 2009

Hacao Linux 4.21 Pro : Linux Vietnamese Turunan Puppy 4.2.1 dengan OpenOffice 3.01

Truong Nguyen Quang has announced the release of Hacao Linux 4.21, a beginner-friendly, Vietnamese desktop Linux distribution based on Puppy Linux and supporting Intel Classmate PC and other low-cost portable computers. This version is based on the recently released Puppy Linux 4.2.1, but has been modified to include full support for Vietnamese and other enhancements designed for the local market. The release comes in two editions - the 120 MB "Standard" edition includes Unicode support, Unikey, Font and Stardict, while the 319 MB "Pro" edition also contains 3.0.1, a Vietnamese spell-checking utility, Skype with video support, the GIMP image manipulation program, WINE for running Windows software, and other popular software applications. Read the detailed release announcement (in Vietnamese) for further information and a handful of screenshots. Download one of the two available Hacao Linux editions from here: Hacao421.iso (120MB, MD5), Hacao421Pro.iso (319MB, MD5).

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