I have made BoloplekDVD 1.0 that contains all version of boloplekcd : Multibootable RescueCD, Puppy Linux openoffice include, reactos, eos/lx, windows 98 and 2003 livecd, anda several bootdisk dos and linux. Full 4.7 GB include islamic library 1.4 that use asuite menu launcher....
BoloplekDVD : Pustaka Islami 1.4 Build 15012007
(sebelumnya bernama Islamic Kutub lalu Islamic Library)
Boloplek adalah bahasa planet untuk teman karib yang sangat dekat (Bolo=teman,plek=nempel terus) entah dapat wangsit dari mana saudara alif@dr.com tiba-tiba menyodorkan kata-kata itu sehingga saya jadikan nama untuk brand name produk cd dan dvd yang diproduksi secara personal dan memang untuk kalangan personal sendiri. Saya berharap cd/dvd ini dapat dijadikan teman karib yang kemana mana selalu nempel menyertai anda, siapapun anda, dari anak-anak yang sukanya ngegame dan dididik, sampai teknisi komputer yang sukanya utak-atik komputer dan orang tua yang sukanya memberi wejangan.
Berisi lebih dari 85.000 file yang cukup bermanfaat bagi anak-anak, remaja, orang dewasa maupun orang tua. Menjelajah seluruh DVD ini setara dengan ngenet selama 3 bulan 3 malam, mari buktikan....
Untuk menjalankan program dalam dvd ini, masukan saja dvd ini dalam komputer yang ber-Windows (not *nix), maka program menu akan menampilkan menu yang ada pada dvd ini. Jika tidak maka jelajahlah dvd ini dan klik dobel autorun.exe, start.exe, bolomenu.exe or cdmenu.exe
Saran saya buatlah cd virtual pada hardisk anda sehingga kecepatannya terjamin, Bila belum tahu, caranya sebagai berikut :
1. Install Daemon.MSI (klik doble lalu next-next saja hingga finish. Atau jika anda tahu, install alkohol dan program virtual drive lainnya!)
2. buat file iso dvd dengan LCisocreator (for XP) atau yang lain (misal Alkohol dan Virtual Drive). Perhatikan file *.iso nya di hardisk anda
3. Restart komputer bila perlu
4. Pada pojok bawah kanan klik kanan daemon shortcut program (petir warna merah), pilih virtual CD/DVDROM, set dulu number drive (pilih saja sekaligus empat) Baru klik kanan lagi, virtual cdrom, Device 0 (dst) mount image .... cari dimana file iso anda berada.
5. Jalankan cd itu seperti biasa. Buat shortcut autorun.exe, cdmenu.exe atau bolomenu.exe
ke dekstops bila perlu
6. Bila komputer anda belum berbahasa arab, install dulu arabic language jika ingin baca semua isi dari dvd ini, terutama yang berbahasa arab
7. File iso-nya langsung bisa dibakar dengan nero atau lainnya untuk backup atau disebarkan teman (sangat saya sarankan sekali)
DVD ini juga bisa digunakan sebagi DVD Boot ke beberapa sistem operasi dari Windows 98 Live on RamDisk, windows 2003 livedvd, Damn Small Linux livecd, Puppy Linux livecd, EOS/LX Livecd, Hiren's BootCD (the most complite dos tools) and some bootdisk (SEAL, QUBE, DOSSTART, FreeDOS, ttylinux, ghost, partition magic etc.).
Selamat menimba ilmu, selamat memperbaiki komputer dan selamat bermain .......
Satu saja permintaan saya, do'akan kami masuk SURGA ! Surga yang senyata-nyatanya.
Info lebih jauh hubungi :
PP. Assalafiyyah Mlangi Nogotirto
Sleman Yogyakarta sms 085215695370
Konfigurasi Minimal Komputer : Semodel dengan dekstop tua saya
- Made and tested on Windows XP, some error may held on Win9x
- Ram 64 MB VGA 4 MB Hardisk seadanya, minimal punya space 5 GB jika ingin di-iso-dvd-kan menjadi dvd virtual (harus berfile system NTFS), atau hanya dikopi biasa (meski lama) keseluruhannya ke hardisk, klik autorun.exe pada root DVD.
- Prosessor Intel pentium II 233 MHz, meski pentium I saya yakin tidak masalah
- DVD Drive 8x speed
- Soundcard and speaker for some aplication
Terimakasih kepada para pembuat maupun para pengguna file-file yang ada di DVD ini, terutama :
- Pakde Nono (pakdenono@yahoo.com) yang telah membolehkan semua file chm-nya dimuat di sini, ayo saya selalu menantikan kompilasian chm yang terbaru.....
- Adik Ilzam dan Temannya yang telah membolehkan sebagian besar file dan foldernya dikopi ke sini
- Bahrudin dan Sayid yang tega membiarkan komputer 2.4 Ghz-nya digunakan untuk meng-iso-cdkan Islamic Library 1.1, di kantor pondok, sehingga percobaannya lebih cepat.
- Tukang Bengkel sepeda di pinggir jalan Godean yang telah memutus dan menyambung rantai sepeda saya, sehingga bisa mendatangkan tangan dan flashdiskku sampai di depan satu komputer tua.
- Kamu yang menyempatkan baca ini !!! semoga amal kalian diterima dan dosa-dosa kita dimaafkan, amin.....
NB : Belum semua pembuat file atau yang berkaitan dengan yang ada di DVD ini, kami mintai
pertanggungan-jawabannya, eh izin-nya....Sehingga bila ada yang berkeberatan file-filenya
ada di DVD ini, file akan diusahakan segera dihapus untuk versi selanjutnya!
- Copy all files and folders of the DVD to custom folder for example D:\dvd
- Add or remove some files/folder you want
- Run Autorun Pro Enterprise to edit the autorun menu cd (open your dvd folder)
- If You add bootable CD, use ultraiso or the other to save the boot image (bootimage.bin) then
edit bcdw.ini in BCDW folder in the root DVD with your boot image
- Run 00MAKEBOLODVD.CMD (on winxp), be sure that the iso file is saved on ntfs drive/partition if the whole dvd folder is more than 4 GB (FAT32 can't handle one file with more than 4 GB in Size)
- Be Sure you have copied bootdvdku.bin from BCDW folder to the root DVD and rename it as you like beside the command line of the mkisofs
- Now, burn the iso image with alkohol or nero, alkohol is faster than nero in my computer
- Try the DVD to boot or to run on your PC
- Be Happy with BoloplekCD, eh DVD !!
- Go to the PC that able to read DVD, then make its iso image with alkohol, ultraiso, lcisocreator etc. but be sure that your partition/hardisk's file system is NTFS or WinFS (FAT or FAT32 can't handle file more than 4 GB in size), then split it to be some pieces and copy it to your PC by your hardisk, cdrw or USB flashdisk (the destination disk must be use NTFS or winFS too, and has 4,5 GB free space).
- Install alkohol, daemon, magicdisk or other virtual drive manager, then mount your iso image DVD after joined with your splitter tool
- Open your DVD as you like in windows explorer......for this dvd, right click on the drive then
autoplay to run it if it is not autorun after been mounted.
Version 1.0 (31 Maretiana 2006)
- Add Ghost and Partition Magic Tool for bootable image
- Add 30s New flash games
- Delete QubeOS and Freedos Bootdisk
- Add 30s CHM eBooks from www.pakdenono.com
- Add Peribahasa from invir.com that contents 3500 indonesian peribahasas
- Add Taqwim
- Add Hitung Zakat from ARQomp after being Hexed for its Password Display
- Add Catalog that contents some nice designs in cdmenu Help Tab
- Delete CDMenu indonesian interface because of the bug in the version 1.5.1
- Make and Add Key.chm for virtual arabic keyboard, may be you still need it....
- and more..... (too much, sorry!)
Version 1.1 (05 Aprilita 2006 di Jum'at pagi yang cerah di masa liburan smt gasal pondok)
- Delete Al-Muhaddits Installer
- Delete Alkohol Installer
- Add New Articles for about 40s
- Add Zakat.xls, zakat.mdb and zakat.chm for Zakat Calculator
- Delete some games and programs bonus
- Delete Photobrush from Media Chance (Sorry alif!) and its help file
- Add Nama_islami.chm, I Hope it will be usefull for anyone
- Add Flash Aplications and sliders such as Wudhu, Sholat, Arabic Alphabet and more
- Add Daisy, the virtual frend
- Add Qibla for Qiblat Calculation
- Add Read Write Arabic (sorry it can be run in winxp or higher only!)
- Delete Rainlander Calendar and Tool Box
- Add change log at this file (readme.txt)
- and more.... (too much, sorry!)
Version 1.2 (07 Meirina 2006 Jam Tiga Malam di Karangbendo, after searching about MacOSX on Intel)
- Remove ToolBox launcher
- Remove All bootdisks except Dos4bcdw.ima (sorry it isn't rescue CD !, use BoloplekCD
Multibootable or Windows Live CD Version to repair your PC, Please !!)
- Add www.muslim.or.id copied mirror
- Add Bunga Rampai.chm 3-4-5-6 that contents more articles and other resources
- Add Bolomenu.exe (WinPenPack.exe craked) to be alternative cdmenu that more simple,
nice and elegant
- Use AutorunPro.exe that able to run more than two executable files
- Cdmenu.exe was hex-ed to be indonesian interface
- Remove Catalog Designs
- Add Artsee for Viewing all images on the CD with slideshow by default
- Fix the the error on executing Daisy
- Fix the Viewing of Holy Qur'an Viewer to be arabic, indonesian and english display.
- Add some Misc.
- Delete some flash games for the CD space.
- Its iso cd was built under the old desktop IBM 233 Mhz and tested with Win-Qemu Manager for
Booting CD and Alkohol 120 % for Autorun CD testing (trying the iso Virtual CD)
- To do : Remove all games and useless applications than add al-manar's and hakikatkitabevi.com's PDF files,but it's too hard, because I love the Games & I love the Programs !!
Version 1.3 (16 Meidiyani 2006 Jam 14.14 siang yang panas, after Cracking Hiren's BootCD)
- Remove Ninja games and CryptRaider (Sorry Gamers !!)
- Remove BCDW multibootable menu, although the folder still there, change to DOS Boot Image
- Add Mini Windows 98 Live on Ramdisk (22MB) for fun, you must try it !!. May be it is usefull...
Sorry Microsoft ! But it just for fun !!? ...and thank's for www.thanki.tk
- Fixing some link erorrs
- Add Spytech Process Viewer Utility to kill Bolomenu.exe in order to be able shutdown normally
- Add Bible setup and Tarjamah Al-Qur'an
- Customing icons on Bolomenu and re-arrange its menu, then add some Comments on it (for winXP)
- Remove some junk files......
Version 1.3 Build 31052006 (31 Meirana 2006, setelah merasakan lezatnya gempa bumi di Jogja)
- Add alternative menu launcher "Asuite" that compatible with Winpenpack's xml menu list, may be some day I will choose it to be the one cd menu after complete adding the information for all
aplications and file.
- May be it is the last cd version..... sorry
Version 1.4 (The first DVD Version, 18 Juni 2006 after buy dvd-rw drive that full of errors)
- Add Al-Manar digital journal cd
- Add ABC Arabic Learning
- Add Maad Lughah
- Add www.ilmukomputer.com cd
- Add Windows 2003 Live, Reactos, Puppy, DSL, EOS/LX, Hiren's BootCD
- Add all BoloplekCD Winlive 2.2 Version's file
- And so on (too much, sorry !)
Version 1.4 Build 30062006 (30 Juni 2006 setelah nukar DVD-RW di toko dan dapat CD Pakde)
- Add Pakdenono CD Trial Version June 06 by deleting some files
- Add www.sidogiri.com uncomplite website copy
- Add Yadabyte Dictionary that contents 145,000 english phrases and list, Amazing !!
- Use New Autorun menu made with Autorun Pro Enterprise
- Add 1001 wajahmu, my own fine art gallery made by my hands
- Add www.computerhope.com website copy, the complite help center about computer from A to J and from J to Z, from DOS to MacOSX
- and so on....
Version 1.4 Build 02072006 (02 Juli 2006 setelah kehilangan 5 kali 20-an menu bar autorun....)
- Add Flash Keeper that able to convert swf to exe easily
- Add The Sage Dictionary and Thesaurus like Yadabyte Dictionary, contents 200.000 words and list, and 1,200,000 relationship between the phrase or words, more amazing !!
- Remove Reactos livecd
- Add DBDesigner 4, may be you need it
- UPX-ing some exe files for the dvd space
- Add Ant Movie Catalog (not been tried)
- Add Simple Unit Converter that has been enhanced with Kitab Fathul Qodir's Unit for islamic
Unit Conversion, from Moh. Ma'shum bin 'Ali Kwaron Jombang Who Also wrote Amtsilatut Tashrif that widely used in Pondok pesantren's, but sorry it may be not compatible with win9x.....
- Add some applications and tools, I am forget.......sorry
- TO DO : Remove duplicate files on the dvd to get space and convert all swf movie to exe in order to become easily executed/run/watched, and add all of the aplication and data to autorun menu (I have tried but it is pity, I have lost for about 200 menus/links after wrote it 2 hours and
forget to save it.....sorry mr. abdul kadir and co.)
Version 1.4 Build 06072006 (06 Juli 2006 setelah digoyang gempa susulan 5 jam yang lalu....)
- Add FlyakiteOSX 3.5 installer for anyone that like MacsOSX's beautifull GUI like me
- Add Unix Tool and aquadock installer
- Add 200-s links/menu to autorun.exe in random zone
- Converting some swf to exe slide and add their shortcut to autorun cd menu in film
Version 1.4 Build 03092006 (03 September 2006 setelah berbagai peristiwa penting berlalu dan berlalang)
- Add copy of www.ketawa.com for laught, to increase your stress ?!
- Add copy of www.cybersastra.org, www.idionline.org, www.keluargasehat.com, www.edukasi.net
- Delete DosApp, I think Hiren's can do it
- Delete Avseq001.dat from Mpegav folder to get space disk, but if you want to customize it be
VCD you can add the dat file to that folder.
- Add SpeQ and Eigenmath for education, nice application as like Algebrus
- Add killbox, advance process termination (APT), ProcX, Scanner, Photo2Sketch, mtExplorer (nice file manager that has 4 windows, simple but usefull), SysSpec, Simple Family Tree, PanitBox, PWS Money, Money Manager Exchange, Drive Manager, DVDPlay, PiX, LittleViewer, TedPad, NeXplorer etc.
- Add Power Point Presentation of the Intensive Lecture of Kader Ulama Nasional 2006 at Semarang
- Fix some error link on menus
- Delete junk files.....
- Add LiquidIcon to make and edit your own ico
- Add 20's Flash presentation for education from pustekkom
- Add some new flash games
- To do : Find the register key of afsearch to make the html files of the DVD can be searched
Version 1.4 Build 09122006 (08 Desember 2006 Sehabis ATM BCA-nya terblokir dan Motornya mogok)
- Remove : DekstopX installer, Google Earth, PrimoPDF, Very PDFReader, Damn Small Linux, EosLive, Puppy Linux, Several bootdisk (Just leave WinXP Live, Hiren's, DOS and FreeDOS) for space.
- Add Gooleti Search Engine, after trial and error and need so much ENERGY and POWER, from money , time and energy of my body. Much like Google because it's Fast and simple. But you still need copy paste links to address bar to open the result you want. It made by Search Engine Studio Demo Version 4.0.3 replace AFSearch because of several advantages. If You have the Crack or Patch, please share to me!
- Add some application : File seeker, LingoPad Dict, AudioBook Cutter MP3,Folder2Iso, MGlen, PCMAV Anti Virus Sept.06 Edition, Angel Writer, File recovery, XmPlay, The God Father ID Tag Editor AM Notebook, Fle Recovery, Resize, Mozanick, SuperCat etc.
- Edit the autorun menu to be more nice and fix some menus.
- Thank's for Pharos Indonesia for its fund, soo I can buy flashdish 2 GB change my 1 GB lost flashdisk and add external USB HDD 3.5'case, and thanks too for Ilzam for his Samsung monitor.
- Todo : Split BoloplekDVD to be two version Rescue MultibootDVD and Digital LibraryDVD or burn it on DVDR Dual layer with 8 GB in size..... give me support and du'a
Version 1.4 Build 11122006 (11 Desember 2006 Sehabis sakit flu dan demam)
- Be back Puppy Linux live CD Version 2.01, after know that it has space....
Version 1.4 Build 15012007 (15 Januardi 2007 Setelah dapat beberapa cobaan yang berupa musibah dan nikmat)
- Remove Puppy Linux live CD Version 2.01, after know that it has no space....
- Add dBWorx, Renamer, Rename Files, MonPiano (Now I Have real piano on my PC!), SwishMax, Xara3D5, BookDB2 (My Library Application),FatwaBase, Prophets Prayer, Quran Pitckthall, Terjemah Alquran, Noble Alquran (from al-eman), Jami' al-ahkam, Table Pro, FontsOnCD,Trial Doctor, PDF Producer, Photo Filtre, Word Web dictionary, Inditc ID-EN Dictionary, Mempad, Eve Vector Draw, BookMaker for HP, Easy Cleaner 2.0 etc.
Version 1.4 Build 18052007 (18 Meinissa Husna Salamah 2007, setelah dapat keponakan baru dan ditagih beberapa teman, akan Update-an BoloplekDVD terbaru, sori baru ada waktu libuurrrr...nich!)
- Add Silsilah Keluarga, the simple family tree 1.7 hexed to be indonesian menu, sorry the help menu not complite
- Rearrange the autorun menu and Fixing the error links
- Add MQreeb arabian-english dictionary, with indict dictionary, it will be the most usefull ditc program for indonesian, english and arabian
- Add Serial hacker : Locksmith, srOmatic, sn2000, serialz etc , may be someone still need it
- Remove the wordweb dictionary, because it isn't run well, some day I will make it back....
- Add innosetup, installer program maker portable edition, now it runs verry well
- Delete
- Update PCmav antivirus RC-14 (Maret) 2007 Version
- Add Sumatra PDF Reader, the new small and fast PDF reader
- Add Jar islamic program (alquran etc) files for Java MIDP Handphones compatible, the SBjoy emulator also added to test the java application for HP, verry verry usefull for me.....
- Update Pakdenono CD with Maret 2007 Nyaris gratis version that make me crazy how to merge it without destroy the 100's menus before, and let me has space......!?
- Remove www.actionfx.com, www.photoshopcafe.net, www.planetphotoshop.net, www.edukasi.net, www.sidogiri.com, and www.cybersastra.net for space, sorry if it is wrong, but I have no choice......
- Remove ABC arabic language course, for 285 MB space, I know some day it will be back.....
- Update ASuite to 1.4 with indonesian interface language, now support Read only mode media like CDROM or DVD
- TO DO : Make Rescue MultibootDVD and Digital LibraryDVD version, and make LiteCD Version for both of them, because the space is not available to put all of the data just in one DVD